0 All Booked All Booked All Booked 10778 Hybrid Sunday Service https://fccpomona.org/event/hybrid-sunday-service-4/?event_date=2025-02-09&reg=1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 2025-02-09

Hybrid Sunday Service

2025-02-09 10:00 2025-02-09 11:00 America/Los_Angeles Hybrid Sunday Service

Join us on Sundays at 10a for our hybrid (in-person and online simultaneously) worship services! An email with schedule updates, church news, and the worship bulletin for the online service is sent out every Friday (and the occasional Saturday); if you’d like to receive this email, send us a message at fcc@fccpomona.org. In-Person Gluten-free Communion elements and masks are available in the entryway. Hearing assistance devices are available upon request. The church building and office are accessible by ramp. Online The online service is livestreamed via our Facebook page! If you’d like to receive notifications of when the service goes live, be sure to “like” the page; previous services can be found under the “Videos” tab.

A loaf of bread sits beside a glass of wine on a wooden table, with several lit white candles in the background.

Join us on Sundays at 10a for our hybrid (in-person and online simultaneously) worship services! An email with schedule updates, church news, and the worship bulletin for the online service is sent out every Friday (and the occasional Saturday); if you’d like to receive this email, send us a message at fcc@fccpomona.org.


Gluten-free Communion elements and masks are available in the entryway. Hearing assistance devices are available upon request. The church building and office are accessible by ramp.


The online service is livestreamed via our Facebook page! If you’d like to receive notifications of when the service goes live, be sure to “like” the page; previous services can be found under the “Videos” tab.