Julie’s Jar: Evidence of Resurrection



True community – Deep Christian spirituality – A passion for justice
This is the vision of our denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). First Christian Church of Pomona embodies this vision, lives it out almost every day.


True Community – What is true community anyway? It is found where people gather regularly regardless of their political affiliation and theological eccentricities. It is found where people meet each other where they are, working through difficulties and celebrating victories.


True community is found when families from different backgrounds gather weekly at Logos to learn together, play together and share a meal together. It is found in gatherings where we talk about difficult things like racism and ecological stewardship. It is found in visits to people struggling with all manner of crisis and challenges. The prayer chain is an expression of true community and deep Christian spirituality. Welcoming people as Christ would welcome them.


Deep Christian spirituality is practiced every Sunday in worship as we gather around Christ’s table. Many of you are exploring your own spiritual practices through classes on contemplative practices. We offer a variety of ways for people to engage in spiritual practices: labyrinth walk, Reiki, study of the Bible and reflection on current issues in light of our faith (theology) as is done in Living the Questions.


A passion for justice is expressed in our work through Hope Partners, offering shelter to the homeless, giving food to the hungry.  FCC Pomona is one of the top supporters in our entire denomination of Disciples Mission Fund and Week of Compassion emergency and development fund. That’s saying something for our size. We are committed not only to helping people; we are committed to empowering people – helping them help themselves. This is our work through ICON (Inland Communities Organizing Network).


Easter is around the corner and I’d like to remind us that there is evidence of resurrection in our midst. Shine a light on the resurrection in your life. God is at work in the world, in us and in you.



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