We have a very active and involved church! Below are some of the activities that happen on a regular basis. Contact fcc@fccpomona.org for up-to-date scheduling information or consult our Calendar and/or Facebook pages.
Here are some of our weekly activities:
- Worship – Sunday mornings at 10 am, both in-person and livestreamed on Facebook
- Periodic Discussion Group – Sunday mornings after worship; check calendar for schedule
- Coffee Hour – Coffee and snacks after worship
- Family Ministry – Monthly fellowship and learning events
- Service of Prayer – A brief 30-minute community prayer session, Mondays at 6:30 pm via Zoom (RSVP at fcc@fccpomona.org)
- Lectio at Lunch – A brief 30-minute lectio divina meditation, Tuesdays at 12:15 pm via Zoom (RSVP at fcc@fccpomona.org)
- Reiki – Relaxation and energy balance through healing touch (contact julie@fccpomona.org for more information)
- Labyrinth Walk – Held monthly before and after worship; check calendar for schedule