~Resisting the Irresistible~
Do you resist God? Do you find yourself having thoughts of self-judgment: “I should have or shouldn’t have…”? Do you find yourself having thoughts of blame, whether of yourself or others? These internal thoughts and movements are ways we resist God, truly.
Softening our own hearts is one way to ease our resistance. We can soften our hearts by inviting the presence of God to settle in us regularly. Those of you have undertaken to engage in the Compassion Practice are feeling the spiritual stretching that this brings.
The way of Jesus is one all of us, as Christians, seek to follow and be on. It is a way that engages God’s compassion for us. God’s compassion invites us to see ourselves as Beloved of God, just as Jesus was Beloved of God. God’s compassion invites us to have compassion for our own woundedness and giftedness. When we lack self-compassion we resist the movement of God.
The same is true when we are unable or unwilling to see other people with compassion. We are actively resisting the movement of God. Eventually, as we give ourselves to spending intentional time with God, the irresistible power of God smooths out our sharpness and buoys us to be the compassionate presence of Christ for ourselves and for our world. This is resurrection.
Resurrection is the ongoing process of coming near to God, allowing God to come near to you and transforming you into the person you are created to be. Resurrection is the ongoing process of the people who practice coming near to God, putting their collective ear to the heart of the world and responding with compassion that brings healing, health and hope.