Dear Millenials,
You are not the first generation to be called whiners and you won’t be the last.*
You are not the first generation to be called unpatriotic because you questioned out loud the domestic and foreign policy of your country and you won’t be the last.*
You are not the first generation to be called self-centered and you won’t be the last.*
You are not the first generation to be called pre-occupied and distracted, accused of having a sense of entitlement, lazy, disloyal, don’t know how to work, etc., etc., etc. and you won’t be the last.*
Take heart, you are part of thousands of years of a tradition maligning the next generation. Remember what a wise person once told me. “When someone is pointing a finger at you, there are three more pointing back at them.” Go ahead. I know you want to see what that looks like, right? Consider that every time a person older than you says, “Millenials are…..” there are three fingers pointing back at them, only they can’t or won’t recognize the projection they are doing.
It also reminds me of the Jesus saying, “Before pointing out the speck in the millennial’s eye, take the log out of your own eye.”
And to the rest of you, including myself, who are not millennials, let’s stop perpetuating the generational trash talk. We were once accused of the same things.*
A Cusper (born in between Baby Boomer and Generation X)
*Primary source documents from the Ancient Greeks to the present indicate as much.
- – In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:
“Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
corrupt.” - – “They think they know everything and are quite sure about it.” Aristotle 4th cty. BCE (I can think of people from every age group who think they know everything and are quite sure about it; this is an unfortunate practice among every generation.)
- – For more accurate data on millennials and the falsehoods used to malign them see the following article:
- – For historical data on the age old sport of blaming the next generation, see the following: