All Saints’ Sunday Worship
From 10:00 am to 11:00 amEvery year on All Saints’ Sunday, we remember the people of our congregation who have died in the last year. All Saints’ Day is a tradition of remembrance, sometimes called All Souls Day. It is a way we remember the lives of God’s people who let the light of Christ shine in this world through their love: A light that continues to shine in the lives of their family and friends. During worship on Sunday, November 7, we will read the names of members of the congregation who have died since last All Saints’ Day, light a candle, and offer prayers of thanksgiving. If you are worshiping from home via the Facebook page, please bring a candle to your own worship space so that you can join with us when we are all invited to light a candle in memory of a person or persons who have shined God’s light in our life. This part of the service occurs at the end of the sermon. *In-Person: The following practices are all currently recommended or required by CDC, Public Health Officer of California, Public Health Officer of LA County: Concerning Masking and Distance UPDATED 7/18/21: Masks are required inside the building at all times for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. All worship attendees shall maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from others while inside the building. Children/youth who are not vaccinated shall remain at least 3 feet apart from children/youth not in their household. Outside interaction can and will be encouraged. Concerning Communion The disposable Communion kits shall be used through the summer, at which point their use will be re-evaluated. People may choose to bring their own Communion if they desire; we know that the disposable kits are not particularly user-friendly for everyone, so we highly encourage you to make it your own! Screening Screening will continue as greeters keep track of vaccinated/unvaccinated attendees and if people may have been exposed to COVID-19. All attendees must be screened by a Contact Tracer before entering the sanctuary. Offering We will continue to receive the offering in basket located at the back of the sanctuary. Passing of the Peace This continues to be on pause as a time of milling about and greeting. However, people of the same household or people who are vaccinated and sitting together may choose to share greetings, while masked. Fellowship Time Seating will be returned to the entryway and people may visit there before or after the service while remaining masked and socially distanced. The breezeway outside (shaded) is also available for visiting. *Online: Head on over to our Facebook page at 10a on Sundays to catch the livestreamed service! Be sure to “like” our page to get notifications of when the services go live in the future! To receive worship bulletins for either service, email!

Every year on All Saints’ Sunday, we remember the people of our congregation who have died in the last year. All Saints’ Day is a tradition of remembrance, sometimes called All Souls Day. It is a way we remember the lives of God’s people who let the light of Christ shine in this world through their love: A light that continues to shine in the lives of their family and friends.
During worship on Sunday, November 7, we will read the names of members of the congregation who have died since last All Saints’ Day, light a candle, and offer prayers of thanksgiving. If you are worshiping from home via the Facebook page, please bring a candle to your own worship space so that you can join with us when we are all invited to light a candle in memory of a person or persons who have shined God’s light in our life. This part of the service occurs at the end of the sermon.
*In-Person: The following practices are all currently recommended or required by CDC, Public Health Officer of California, Public Health Officer of LA County:
Concerning Masking and Distance
UPDATED 7/18/21: Masks are required inside the building at all times for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
All worship attendees shall maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from others while inside the building.
Children/youth who are not vaccinated shall remain at least 3 feet apart from children/youth not in their household. Outside interaction can and will be encouraged.
Concerning Communion
The disposable Communion kits shall be used through the summer, at which point their use will be re-evaluated. People may choose to bring their own Communion if they desire; we know that the disposable kits are not particularly user-friendly for everyone, so we highly encourage you to make it your own!
Screening will continue as greeters keep track of vaccinated/unvaccinated attendees and if people may have been exposed to COVID-19. All attendees must be screened by a Contact Tracer before entering the sanctuary.
We will continue to receive the offering in basket located at the back of the sanctuary.
Passing of the Peace
This continues to be on pause as a time of milling about and greeting. However, people of the same household or people who are vaccinated and sitting together may choose to share greetings, while masked.
Fellowship Time
Seating will be returned to the entryway and people may visit there before or after the service while remaining masked and socially distanced. The breezeway outside (shaded) is also available for visiting.
*Online: Head on over to our Facebook page at 10a on Sundays to catch the livestreamed service! Be sure to “like” our page to get notifications of when the services go live in the future!
To receive worship bulletins for either service, email!