Hybrid Sunday Worship
From 10:00 am to 11:00 amWe are currently holding hybrid in-person and online worship services! In-Person: The following practices are all currently recommended or required by the CDC, Public Health Officer of California, Public Health Officer of LA County: Concerning Masking and Distance UPDATED 2/16/23: Masking is optional for all based on individual preference, but it still recommended if you are at risk for severe illness. Masks will remain available in the entryway. Please worship with us from home if you have any symptoms of illness. We are no longer screening for contact tracing data at this time. Concerning Communion Disposable Communion kits are available in the entryway. People may choose to bring their own Communion if they desire! Offering We will continue to receive the offering in basket located at the back of the sanctuary. Online: Head on over to our Facebook page at 10a on Sundays to catch the livestreamed service! Be sure to “like” our page to get notifications of when the services go live in the future! To receive worship bulletins for either service, email fcc@fccpomona.org!
We are currently holding hybrid in-person and online worship services!
In-Person: The following practices are all currently recommended or required by the CDC, Public Health Officer of California, Public Health Officer of LA County:
Concerning Masking and Distance
- UPDATED 2/16/23: Masking is optional for all based on individual preference, but it still recommended if you are at risk for severe illness. Masks will remain available in the entryway.
- Please worship with us from home if you have any symptoms of illness. We are no longer screening for contact tracing data at this time.
Concerning Communion
Disposable Communion kits are available in the entryway. People may choose to bring their own Communion if they desire!
We will continue to receive the offering in basket located at the back of the sanctuary.
Online: Head on over to our Facebook page at 10a on Sundays to catch the livestreamed service! Be sure to “like” our page to get notifications of when the services go live in the future!
To receive worship bulletins for either service, email fcc@fccpomona.org!