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Sunday Worship

2024-05-03 10:00 2024-05-03 11:30 America/Los_Angeles Sunday Worship

Sunday worship will be ONLINE at 10a for at least March 22 and 29. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CHURCH. Please “Like” the church’s Facebook page in order to access the service. You’ll be able to access the service even after it’s no longer Live-Streaming, so no worries if you can’t be there as it’s happening! There will be some singing, so if you have a church hymnal, have it ready. Also, we will have Communion, so have your favorite cracker and juice of choice ready to go! We prefer Welch’s grape juice: Classic DOC. In these unprecedented times, we remember that the Table of Christ extends beyond the walls of any church; you are welcome wherever you are and at whatever time you participate.

Sunday worship will be ONLINE at 10a for at least March 22 and 29. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CHURCH. Please “Like” the church’s Facebook page in order to access the service. You’ll be able to access the service even after it’s no longer Live-Streaming, so no worries if you can’t be there as it’s happening!

There will be some singing, so if you have a church hymnal, have it ready. Also, we will have Communion, so have your favorite cracker and juice of choice ready to go! We prefer Welch’s grape juice: Classic DOC. In these unprecedented times, we remember that the Table of Christ extends beyond the walls of any church; you are welcome wherever you are and at whatever time you participate.