~Women’s Convocation Reflection~
I attended the Women’s Convocation of the Pacific Southwest Region with Ginger Eckeard and Julie Zivnak. The Hispanic Convencion and African American Convocation and NAPAD women’s organizations have always had their own women’s retreat. Some of the women from these groups also attended Women’s Convocation in the past. This year, all the groups combined. The Hispanic Convencion women had a Spanish language worship and meeting but we all sat around the same tables at lunch.
The years of preparation and the perseverance of women in every group made this new day possible. It did not happen because some people thought it would be good to do this year. A way was made over years through the building of relationships and understanding. I thought of the many women who stayed on the path forward and pursued the goal, knowing even that goal is not the final destination; they are pioneers. I gave thanks to God for these women and asked to be as faithful in the building of Christian community across boundaries that still divide people.
I give thanks for the people of First Christian Church of Pomona who are doing the hard work of building relationships with friend and stranger alike. It is slow and patient work. I imagine God may feel like this about us, that we are slow and patient work. I imagine that God also is inspired and encouraged when we prepare the kingdom of God and persevere even when it is difficult. May all of us be blessed with the perseverance that is encouraged in the book of Hebrews. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also, lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…”