“I want to be an associate member of your church; they are so welcoming!” These words were spoken by one of the speakers at the memorial service for Rev. Dr. Ernest Newborn. They were spoken with great sincerity and appreciation.
December 8th was a full day for our community of faith. We hosted our General Minister and President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens. We welcomed our Regional Minister, Richie Sanchez and his wife Jasmine Sanchez. We hosted guests who came to visit. THEN we held sacred space throughout the day for over 200 people who came to celebrate with us, the life of Rev. Dr. Ernest Newborn.
As the day came to a close and Mike and I drove home, I was filled with gratitude and joy. We both reflected on the many ways individuals and the collective whole, welcomed people and took care of what and who needed care. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your gifts of hospitality, kindness and care. Thank you for growing these spiritual gifts for the sake of the body of Christ in the world.
We heard an inspiriting and challenging sermon from Rev. Hord Owens. If you could not be with us in worship, please listen to her message: an orienting vision not only for our denomination but also for our congregation. If you did hear the sermon, I encourage you to listen again because there a many ideas we need to live out; learning requires some repetition.
We are indeed a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world, welcoming all to the Table of Christ for we ourselves have been welcomed too. Thank you for tending your minds and hearts and becoming more and more the healing and hospitable body of Christ.