The Work of The People: Return with Kelly Ann Hall

Work of the People: Return

The Work of the People:
Return with Kelly Ann Hall

God, here we are—
showing up, sinking in, getting still,
becoming aware of our presence, and yours.

We’re remembering our unbroken union.

Our hearts within your heart,
Our breath within your breath,
Our story within your story.

We gather as people in progress
to share, listen, observe.
To increase our awareness of Holiness, yours and ours.
To get in on who you are and what you’re up to—to together become fertile, sacred ground.
so that the burdened, hidden inner work becomes Light,
so that death is transformed into Life.

Thank you that we don’t have it all figured out to be useful,
and we don’t have to be useful to be loved and belong.
Thank you for making us good first, for loving who you made when you made us.

We return to you to keep being made whole.
we return for more God, to reconnect with our Soul, to deepen our togetherness.
we return with hope that our lives would be meaningful and matter.
we return for more love, more truth, more liberation—
we return to open and to become a conduit of your Spirit everywhere we go.

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