Julie’s Jar: Embodying Transformation
Sheila Spencer is the Interim President of Disciples Home Missions (DHM). She grew up in our local region and taught elementary school in the Los Angeles School District before discerning
Julie’s Jar: The Little Golf Cart that Sang
How does a group of singers have a carol sing safely during a pandemic involving a respiratory illness? The picture says it all: on a softball field in safely distanced
Julie’s Jar: Holy Pause
I think it was the existential psychologist Rollo May who noticed that when competitive divers stand on a diving board in competition, they always pause before stepping or jumping off
Julie’s Jar: Compassionate Core
Recently, I took a seven-week course on Racial Resilience. The course marries the Compassion Practice (which I teach) with learning about Critical Race Theory (CRT). With all the hoopla about
Julie’s Jar: Call of Jeremiah
This story made me think. It comes through the Center for Action and Contemplation: An excerpt from a conversation between St. Silouan (1866–1938), a monk and Orthodox Staretz (elder), and