Light is a major theme during the Christmas season. The opening of the gospel of John is a hymn or poem about the word and the light that is coming into the world. When first this blessing was read to me, it felt as though divine presence showed up and swirled within and around my being. I offer it to you, that it may bless your experience of the Word and the Light that comes to transform us more deeply into the compassionate hands and feet of Christ in the world.
A Celtic Blessing
May the blessing of Light be on you—
Light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great fire,
So that strangers and friends may come and
Warm themselves at it.
May the light shine out from your eyes,
Like a candle set in a window,
Bidding the wanderer come in
out of storm and darkness
And may the kind blessing of Perfect Light,
The All-Nurturing God: Source of all Being,
The Incarnate Word, and the Holy Spirit,
Be among you and remain with you always.