Stay Home, Y’all

Sunday worship at FCC Pomona will be ONLINE ONLY until further notice. We are following guidelines and information provided by LA County Public Health and the Center for Disease Control. Please do NOT come to church on Sunday. All other days of the week, staff will be working remotely. If you or someone you know is in need of some assistance, please contact one of the pastors.

Currently, Sunday service is available via the church’s Facebook page (, which you can also access from the church website (scroll all the way to the bottom right and click on the Facebook icon). We will live stream again the next two Sundays. You will need to “like” the church Facebook page in order to view (click the thumbs up button that says “Like” in the upper left hand corner underneath the banner photograph).

If you do not have Facebook, we are also working on adding an additional platform and will update you as know more. If you need help with figuring out all the techie stuff, please contact Mike on his cell phone or contact Erin through the church email (

An email to church members is going out and phone calls are also being made. If you or someone you know are not receiving updates in a way that is most accessible to you/them, please let Erin, Mike, or Julie know.

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