Julie’s Jar
Last Sunday I asked the gathered community to finish this prompt: “The purpose of the church is….and my part in it is….” Thank you to everyone who thought about this
Julie’s Jar, “Learning from Suffering”
Learning from suffering… Everyone suffers. This is part of the human condition. Why is it then we seek to distract ourselves from it, run from it, eliminate it? It is
Julie’s Jar, “Take A Moment”
There is a practice among Christians during the season of Lent. That practice is to “give something up”. The practice is ostensibly for the purpose of appreciating in some small
Julie’s Jar
Disappointment is part of life. Learning to deal with disappointment is part of how we develop wisdom and maturity. It was a disappointment that Werner Tillinger could not be with
Julie’s Jar “What Makes Us Great”
~What Makes Us Great?~ “Great job,” we tell someone when we like or approve of something they’ve done. “He’s a great man,” we say of a man who has wielded power