• The Conversation

    Some of you know what I mean by “the conversation.” It is the conversation parents who are NOT Caucasion have with their children, especially their make children about what to

  • Rest Gets No Respect

    It is no secret or surprise that sleep deprivation is bad for us. Still, people put on the badge of martyr, order another shot of espresso and shoulder on through

  • Unprovokable

    In his book, Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey observes life in what was then Arches National Monument. He uncovers the immense spiritual matter that is revealed in the material life of

  • Trappings of Church?

    Warning: written while hot under the collar. Wanting spirituality without the trappings of church is like wanting democracy without the trappings of representative government. It’s like wanting an education without

  • Still A Presence

    We finished the second act of “When the Levees Broke” by Spike Lee; we’re half way through this United States  tragedy. Why revisit old wounds? Why recount the tragedy? Why