Loving the Learners
“I’m glad those days are over,” I heard the woman say. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but in a closed space it’s impossible sometimes to not hear what other people
Niche Church
FCC Pomona is a niche church. People drive upwards of 30 minutes (in good traffic), past other congregations to be part of FCC Pomona. People choose to cross the suburban
Spiritually Free
What would a group of spiritually free persons look like? We asked this question in the discernment group I’m leading. All the groups are talking about spiritual freedom and engaging
What’s Your Paradigm?
There are two versions of Christianity on the American landscape according to Marcus Borg in his book, The Heart of Christianity. One he calls “earlier paradigm” and the other “emerging
Right to Speak: Responsibility to Respond
They were going to protest at the funeral of a nine year old. They were going to protest at the funeral of this young girl, one of the victims of